Because of the outer loop, the regex essentially advances right to left looking for a digit followed by three digits and a word boundary. 由于是外部循环,因此regex实质上将从右向左前进查找后接三位数和词界的一位数。
Trajectory tracking was completed through the outer loop. 飞行轨迹的跟踪则通过外回路来实现。
The spacecraft's attitude control system was divided into the outer loop that was angle loop and the inner loop that was angle velocity loop based on their time scales. 基于奇异摄动思想,将飞行器姿态控制系统分为慢变化的姿态角回路和快变化的角速度回路分别设计。
Outer loop of UPFC bus voltage control system adopts voltage droop control that consists of PI regulation and scaling factors of droop characteristic. 外特性下垂并联控制方法主要有两种实现形式:负载电流前馈方式和减弱电压控制环方式。
In order to make more effective control of universal power quality controllers ( UPQC), an outer loop model for the voltage loop in a three-phase three-wire UPQC is proposed in the paper. 为了对通用电能质量控制器直流侧电压进行更为有效的控制,提出一种用于三相三线通用电能质量控制器(UPQC)直流侧电压控制的外环模型。
As the important transfer node of city periphery, the interchange's construction in urban outer loop must initiate re-distribution of the traffic flow in affect regional. 城市外环互通式立交作为城市外围重要的交通转换节点,其维修施工必然引发影响区域内路网交通流的重分布。
With regard to the Tokyo outer loop road gaikan, city plans are scheduled to be changed this spring to allow deep subterranean development. 至于外环线,今年春天,为了进行深度地下发展,都市计划作了变更。
The inner loop adopts PI algorithm and the outer loop adopts a time optimal self-tuning PID algorithm. 伺服控制器分别采用有源PI校正和时间最小参数自调整PID控制算法。
A two-loop sliding mode controller is achieved, with the outer loop tracking the given attitude angles and the inner loop tracking the designed angular velocities. 研究了基于时间尺度分离和滑动模态的航天器姿态控制问题。
In equality ( 4), the calculation method of is as same sa the equality ( 3), but all the parameters represent the ones in the outer loop. 的计算方法与式(3)相同,只是公式中的参数均表示外侧环行车流的参数。
A DC voltage outer loop control for power balance and PI correction and an AC current inner loop control for feedback are designed to ensure the current quality and stabilize the DC voltage. 通过直流电压外环的功率平衡控制及比例积分校正,配合内环并网电流反馈控制,使并网逆变器在保持并网电流质量的同时更好地控制直流电压。
We design a state feedback-PID controller in which its outer loop uses a PID controller and its inner loop adopts a state feedback controller. So this control system has robust and fine control quality. 针对具有大迟延纯滞后的主汽温对象设计了状态反馈-PID控制方案,外回路采用了PID控制器,控制系统具有一定的鲁棒性,将状态反馈用于内回路,明显地改善了控制品质。
The repetitive control outer loop improves the steady state performance of inverter. 重复控制外环则致力于稳态精度的提高。
This paper presents a digital multiple-loop control technology of inverters. The scheme incorporates a current loop with an instantaneous voltage loop, while a repetitive control outer loop is added. 本文提出了一种逆变器数字多环控制技术,该方案在电流环和瞬时电压环之外附加了一个重复控制环。
The outer loop is used to design different loops individually by output feedback. 外回路采用输出反馈,对已解耦的不同通道分别进行单回路设计。
The outer loop uses neural network and internal model control. 外回路采用神经网络内模控制。
The controller in the outer loop is a simple integrator. 外环控制器为一简单的积分控制器。
In the outer loop the GMRES iteration is used. 外循环使用GMRES迭代,实现残量的收敛。
The outer loop is power regulators, which combines the inverse steady state model with PI regulator, and can control the active and reactive power separately. 外环控制器由稳态逆模型和PI调节器构成,实现系统有功功率和无功功率的独立调节。
The design of outer loop uses SISO classic control methodologies. 完成内回路设计后,采用单输入单输出经典控制方法设计外回路。
Its outer loop is for tension control using simple adaptive controller. 最外环为张力环,采用简单自适应控制器控制。
PD controller can guarantee the desired trajectory tracking in the outer loop. 对导弹外回路,采用PD控制器进行控制,实现期望航迹的跟踪。
A new inner/ outer loop structure is proposed, and its application to the design of helicopter flight control system is described. 提出了一种新型的内/外回路控制结构,系统地阐述了此结构在直升机控制系统中的应用。
Outer loop should be controlled by inner loop. 同时外环速率控制要受到内环功率分配结果的影响。
The control system is comprised of double closed-loop system: inner loop control of grid-connected current and outer loop control of Z-source network capacitance. 控制系统整体由一个双闭环系统构成:并网电流内环控制以及Z源网络电容的外环控制。
The dual closed loop control structure of DC voltage outer loop and grid-current inner loop is used. 采用直流电压外环、并网电流内环的双闭环控制结构。
On this basis, a quasi-direct power control method of inner loop using the current control and outer loop power control has proposed, the method has advantages of both the direct power control and current control. 在此基础上提出一种内环采用电流控制、外环采用功率控制的准直接功率控制方法,兼顾了直接功率控制和电流控制的优点。
The outer loop of the multi-loop feedback controller is P-fQ-V droop controller. 在该多环反馈控制器中,外环为P-f和Q-V下垂控制器,内环为电压电流双环控制器。
Finally, the whole control strategy for this thesis is proposed, which is the combination of the capacitor voltage control ( outer loop) and the indirect current control ( inner loop). 最终确定本文的整体控制策略-电容电压外环控制和间接电流内环控制相结合,并对控制系统的模型进行了分析。
The whole control system is separated into three loops, namely the inner loop attitude control, the middle loop velocity control and the outer loop position control. 整个控制系统从内到外依次分为三个控制回路:内环姿态控制回路,中环速度控制回路和外环位置控制回路。